Bobbing Village Hall was opened in 1953 after many years of hard work. Fundraising including Whist Drives, Fruit and Vegetable sales and Tea Dances. A generous donation of land from the local farmer enabled the parishioners to build their own village hall literally with many volunteers giving up months of their time. The hall has always repaid parishioners by allowing a discount on the hiring rate.
The hall today is run by a small management committee of Bobbing Parishioners who are volunteers and is a registered charity. The income from hiring is its sole income source which covers the day to day running costs.
The hall is available to hire for functions and many clubs currently operate using both of its halls.
Please support your village hall and if you wish to become more involved then please contact Cllr Gareth Randall by emailing who can also advise on booking the hall.
Bobbing Village Hall Sheppey Way, Bobbing, Sittingbourne, ME9 8PL