9th March 2023

Head underground - quite literally! Kent's chalk base means that it's home to a whole host of history that lives underground - from quarries to tunnels that served as war shelters - get to know them in this itinerary.

  • Day 1 - Stop 1 - Ramsgate Tunnels - AM - 2 hours

    Originally conceived as a tunnel for the train line from London to Ramsgate Harbour, the tunnels under Ramsgate have a rich history from 1863 to wartime, when they were a large air raid shelter. Learn about the history on a guided tour on select dates.

  • Day 1 - Stop 2 - Margate Caves - PM - 2 hours

    These spectacular caves, with their art-laden walls were dug as a chalk quarry in the 17th and 18th centuries, and were originally open to the public from 1863. At their highest point they are 12.2m tall at the highest point so they're quite the sight!

  • Day 1 - Stop 3 - Shell Grotto - PM - 2 hours

    Up next is this mysterious site, as no one can fully confirm its origin, is Margate's Shell Grotto. Marvel as you wander through the 21m of passages decorated with 4.6 million shells - more than a fair few beaches worth!