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You searched for 'Afternoon Tea'. We found 1076 results which are listed below, if there's too many try using the filters to narrow your search above.

Belmont House 2013

Belmont House

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Harts Holiday Park

Located on Kent’s very own holiday island and popular tourist destination of the Isle of Sheppey.


Sittingbourne and Kemsley Light Railway

Take a family journey on the town’s steam railway, the last link to its paper-making heritage.


Buckmore Park Kart Circuit

Widest choice of karting experiences at an award-winning motorsport venue in Medway.

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Rochester Cathedral

Founded in 604AD, the cathedral is the second oldest in England.

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Marlie Holiday Park

Marlie enjoys a countryside location yet is just a short drive from the beach.


New Beach Holiday Park

Visit New Beach Holiday Park to experience everything that’s great about a family caravan holiday by the sea.


Littlestone Golf Club

Littlestone Golf Club offers a superb traditional championship links course with fast running fairways on the natural undulating dunes with cunningly placed bunkers.


Hythe Imperial Golf Club

Hythe Imperial Golf Club offers golf a stone's throw from the beach in Hythe, Kent

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St Augustine's Abbey

Part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, this ancient abbey is a sight to behold