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You searched for 'Afternoon Tea'. We found 1076 results which are listed below, if there's too many try using the filters to narrow your search above.


Pullington Barn B&B

Pullington Barn is a beautiful 300-year old Grade 2 listed Kentish timber-framed barn.  Renovated and re-designed, it is now a comfortable and attractive home, whilst still retaining its characteristic features.

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Battel Hall at Leeds Castle


Bear Manor Oast

This traditional roundel oast house is built over two floors, and is totally self-contained with its own private entrance and parking in the drive. The ground floor offers a fully equipped kitchenette with microwave and fridge, shower and toilet, and spacious dining area. Guests will find a generous continental breakfast provided for them in the Oast kitchenette.


Motors by the Moat at Leeds Castle

Forest School Fun

Wildlife Olympics

Family Fun Day (1)

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Summer Plant Fair

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The Game Is Afoot