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You searched for 'Afternoon Tea'. We found 1076 results which are listed below, if there's too many try using the filters to narrow your search above.


Fun in the sun

From outdoor cinema screens in the shadow of castles, to music festivals and sunset safaris, summer days out in Kent are set to sizzle! Whether you have a weekend off, or a whole six week holiday, check out our round and find out what's going on in Kent this summer.

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Valentine's Day 2023

It's time to spread the love amongst our Kent residents, and help you all out with a little inspiration on what to do this Valentine's Day...

Walmer Castle

Easter holiday plans 2024

The Easter school holidays kick off from 29th March – 15th April, so with two weeks to fill with fun, family friendly days out in Kent, we’re sharing our top tips.

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How to spend the 2023 Bank Holidays in Kent

With all those long weekends that we’ve got to use this year and the coronation of His Majesty The King, Kent is coming out swinging for those who want entertainment, secluded escapes or a taste of Kent right on their doorstep.

Jubiliee 1

Coronation weekend in Kent

Bring out the bunting, pop open the Champers…it’s time for a rather royal knees up in Kent as we celebrate the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III on Saturday 6th May. Aside from plenty of pomp and circumstance on the big day, we’re looking forward to an extra bank holiday weekend, with plenty of chances to raise a toast and celebrate at attractions across the county.


Christmas events

Want to know all about the Christmas events in Kent? Take a peek at what's going on this year, from visits to Santa, to magical Christmas lights.

Rocksalt Outdoor

Al-fresco dining in Kent

We’ve gathered the ultimate alfresco dining spots so you’re ready to enjoy outdoor dining in Kent. Whether that be overlooking the coastal beaches or picturesque views of the Garden of England, we can assure you these spots will make the ideal destination for your hungry clan.

Church View Tea Rooms

Church View Tea Rooms


Bessie's Tea Parlour

Bessie’s Tea Parlour, a little touch of nostalgia in the beautiful seaside town of Broadstairs.