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You searched for 'forest'. We found 129 results which are listed below, if there's too many try using the filters to narrow your search above.

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First Date Ideas in Kent

We know how daunting the first date experience can be. The nerves, panic and the excitement (ah!). Follow our list of top first date ideas in Kent and you can feel confident that a second will be on the cards!

Instagram Dogs

Dogs of Instagram

We've compiled a list of the perfect pooches on Instagram, so you can get inspiration for new and exciting places to sniff out in Kent...


Theatre in Kent

With Kent’s range of historic theatres and a pretty impressive list of upcoming plays and performances, this round up deserves its very own standing ovation!


Kent's museums tell centuries-old stories with imagination and flair

Kent boasts some of the finest museums and themed attractions in the UK


Modern Art Galleries & Venues In Kent - Be Inspired Today

Kent's pioneering modern art venues have put the county high up the cultural must-visit list.

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Special Landscapes

Spectacular scenery invites great escapes. Make sure you get out and about to explore some of the county's special landscapes.


Get away from it all

We're all in need of an escape after the past year we've had. Well you're in luck, with The Garden of England's wide-open spaces, stretching countryside, and rolling hills there's more than enough space to safely get away from it all in Kent...

Half term and Halloween in Kent

It's October half term! Discover our tips to entertain the kids and find out about Kent's best and spookiest Halloween events and days out to keep them smiling.

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21 things to tick off your 2021 Kent Bucket List

Looking ahead to a new year in The Garden of England...

5 White Cliffs Coastal Path

Escape Hibernation

It’s time to blow off the cobwebs from your exploring boots, get that heart pumping, and escape hibernation once and for all. From explorations across golden sands to discovering our natural world in a whole new light, you’re certain to uncover why they call us the Garden of England…