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You searched for 'Kent Castles'. We found 1934 results which are listed below, if there's too many try using the filters to narrow your search above.

ET 303 (1)

No 9 Restaurant

Whitstable Bay Has Teamed Up With Catman For Its New Campaign

Must Visit Whitstable Bay with Shepherd Neame

Whitstable – a coastal haven, a foodie’s paradise, a creative hub, and the ultimate inspiration behind nearby Shepherd Neame’s award-winning Whitstable Bay beer range. Crafted by creativity, this locally brewed tipple is delicious sipped anywhere, but trust us when we say it’s sensational when paired with the sound of the waves, the smell of sea air, and a freshly shucked Whitstable oyster. So, allow us to share some of our favourite spots and top tips to enjoy that taste of coastal creativity for yourself.

Greenhills Exterior Fire Pit

It's in our Nature...adventures and treats in White Cliffs Country

Home to bucket-list spots, picturesque landscapes, amazing food and drink, and dreamy places to stay, is White Cliffs Country, where it’s in their nature to give you an adventure that you’ll never forget.

The Pantiles Clock From RTWT

It's in our Nature... Royal Tunbridge Wells

It’s in the Nature of Royal Tunbridge Wells to welcome you to the town for an enjoyable time, and so we’re bringing you anything from those unmissable summer events and foodie spots to the places to go to explore the culture, or even just to unwind and chill out.

Pexels Pixabay 257961 (1)

Active Days Out

Take a look at some of our top outdoors sports and fun activities to keep you entertained and making memories with the family.

Gladys Frances Miriam Wright

Pioneer of Physical Education, founder of English Gymnastic Society, life-saving hero, competitive and long distance open water swimmer.

Gladys Frances Miriam Wright - extra information

Source documents, web pages and extra reading for Gladys Frances Miriam Wright.

Johnsainsbury TC 1 1660X830

The best of Turner Contemporary 2022

With a packed schedule of exhibitions, workshops and events going on this spring and summer, we've asked our friends at Turner Contemporary to give us a sneak peek at just some of the highlights. So whether you fancy learning about their upcoming programme of exhibitions, or the top family events for this spring and summer, read on.

Piano Course at Finchcocks with Andrew Dunlop

T Wells Fringe Festival

Tunbridge Wells Fringe Festival

Tunbridge Wells Fringe Festival is a series of events featuring local artists and groups offering a host of performances of all kinds across the arts performing in a whole range of venues in Tunbridge Wells for two weeks in July (5th-18th).