Kent Greeters UK is run by volunteer Greeters.
Diana Rosset, our Chairman, has the distinction of not only being the longest serving Greeter in the county but, as we were the first Greeter group in the UK, she has the honour of being the longest serving Greeter in the whole of Great Britain.
As a region the County of Kent is broken down into groups of Greeters with one of their number acting as Area Organiser for the group. When you become a Greeter your Area Organiser will be put in touch with you; if you did not meet them at interview. They will arrange for you to have training by way of a Guidance Greet with an experienced Greeter. As all Area Organisers are Greeters themselves they are well able to offer help and advice if you should ever need it.
For more information about the role of an Area Organiser, or if you would like to become one or help on the Admin side of Kent Greeters UK, please Contact Us.
1) Booking Form arrives from the website to the Organiser for the whole county and is forwarded on to the Area Organiser for the place the visitor has chosen to be greeted.
2) The Area Organiser offers the Greet to an appropriate Greeter in their group and forwards the booking form to them.
3) The Greeter contacts the Visitor to confirm/arrange meeting time and place as soon as possible after the form arrives. Also to give Visitors help and advice on travelling to the greet, parking etc.
4) At least a day before the Greet contact your Visitor to remind them of the meeting arrangements and, if not done so before, swap mobile phone numbers in case of last minute problems on the day.
5) The day of the Greet - arrive early and set aside longer time than arranged in case your Visitors are delayed en route to you. Most of all ENJOY the time with your Visitors and be flexible and change your route should they suddenly decide they want to see something not mentioned before. Please take photographs of you with your Visitors and ask permission to use them on our website and on social media.
6) Tips - we don't take them. However, to avoid offending Visitors for whom tipping is a custom take the tip and tell your Visitors that you will put it in our central admin fund to help maintain the service. If you are offered tips in kind such as a drink or a light lunch with your Visitors that is acceptable.
7) Visitors Feedback - after the Greet please ask your Visitors to provide Feedback either as you are saying goodbye or email them afterwards. If you took photographs you can attach them to that message. They can give Feedback:
- on our Facebook pages where they can rate their experience our Facebook name is 'Kent Greeters UK'
- by email to your area organiser. You can supply their email address to the visitor via email.
8) Greeters Feedback - email the Area Organiser who gave you the greet to give feedback and let them know
- Number of visitors that you greeted
- Anything out of the ordinary, interesting or adverse that happened on the Greet.
- Tips if anything was pressed upon you your Area Orgniser will give you details of how you can pay it into the central admin fund.
Your Aim is to start as Strangers and end as Friends.
10 Best Lane Canterbury Kent CT1 2JB