Don’t own a bike or struggle to get your bike on the back of a car? CountryBike is there to help…


Taking your bikes with you on holiday or for the day isn’t always easy… CountryBike has got you covered! Their goal is to make Kent bike hire more accessible to those in the countryside. whether you are visiting the well-known spots or discovering those hidden gems, local pubs, village shops and innovative businesses Country Bikes is there to help.

This circular route includes a nights stay in one Kents famous Hurst villages and includes transfers from your accommodation at the Star & Eagle hotel (dating back to the 14th century) to the amazing Balfour Winery for a guided tour and wine tasting experience. The following day you return via Bedgebury Pinetum and Bewl Water. Great food, wine, scenery and lovely cycling. Your countryside adventure awaits…

Where you'll be


Mount Pleasant Road
Tunbridge Wells




Email 07590984555